About Us
Learn about what we stand for and why we're here.

The Jewish community and the college campus community, generally, suffer from lack of education. In the very institutions of higher learning and education the knowledge about what Israel is and what Judaism is are both woefully misrepresented. SBF’s goal is to spread materials onto college campuses and also send educated outreach teams onto campuses to spread the facts and debunk the lies. Lies about Israel include the hot-button terms colonists and apartheid. Israel cannot be a colonist because it is just one country and has no colonies. Israel cannot be apartheid because people of every faith and background can become citizens and hold public office in Israel. Gaza and the West Bank, however, are territories closed to Jews. The Temple Mount, Cave of the Forefathers, Jericho, and other holy sites are often closed to Jews. SBF’s outreach teams spread the truth about the Jewish people’s only country and historical birthright.
Tolerance Through Education
It is SBF’s goal to end antisemitism and hate through education. SBF’s goals is not to demonstrate, close traffic, and inconvenience the world in order to spread awareness. Despite making up less than 1% of the world’s population, and less than 2.5% of the United State’s population, the world is very aware of Jews. It is the lies, misrepresentations, propaganda, and false news items that spread and cause hate against Jews. False stereotypes like Jews are White, rich, privileged, and control Hollywood, the news agencies, and governments help fan the flames of antisemitism. False premises like antizionism is not antisemitism are harmful. SBF combats such false information by putting out information on social media and in print materials to reeducate the world about what a Jew is. Jews have a rich and wonderful history, and are productive members of society. Besides for in Israel, Jews seek no power to control the media, the news, or governments. Education can lead to tolerance.