What We Do

Learn about what we aim to accomplish and how we plan to do it.

Social Media Campaign

SBF’s goal is to get on all platforms that young people and the uneducated go for their quick snippets and news. This includes all forms of social media. These platforms are great for getting out snippets and subliminal messages. SBF believes this can turn the tide of misrepresentation and lies about Israel and Judaism. The goal is to help Jewish teens, adolescents, adults, and even old timers, who have either never had or have lost their way with their admiration and proudness of being Jewish, to once again find that light and spark and embrace their heritage and roots. “Jews for (insert adversarial organization)” is unhelpful and harmful. SBF believes its campaigns can help to limit such fodder for those hateful and antisemitic organizations that seek out the destruction and diminishment of Israel and Jews.

Tolerance Through Education

SBF is also proud to engage in a campaign to promote existing literature and to fund the writing of new literature, that creates a positive understanding of Israel and/or Judaism. Literature, be it fiction or nonfiction, that is based on strong moral and likeable Jewish characters, that are set in the State of Israel and bring out its beauty and wonderful qualities, can go a long way to spread love for Israel and the Jewish people. SBF seeks to promote such materials and even offer scholarships for new authors writing fiction or nonfiction on the topics of modern Israel, historical books about the Jewish experience, and even materials about ancient Judea or the Land of Israel. This campaign is not intended to focus on biblical sources, but on the Jewish experience in current times and throughout history. Jewish history is our story.